Research Studies & Reports

DMV’s Research & Development Branch has been conducting research and producing studies and reports since the 1950s. Research & Development reports help DMV to measure the impact of new laws on making drivers safer. We also identify areas where we can improve our processes, explore new approaches to solving existing problems, and branch out into new opportunities to serve you better. 

Request printed copies of studies and reports by mail at:

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Research and Development Branch
2415 1st Ave. Mail Station: F-126
Sacramento, CA 95818
(916) 914-8125

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393 Results

Report ID Date Published Title Section Links
NRN075 1983/ 04

Appendix H of “Administrative Review, Analysis, and Recommendations for California Heavy Vehicle Operator Licensing Program”

By: Michael Ratz & Shara Lynn Kelsey

In conjunction with a project intended to develop enhanced licensing procedures for heavy-vehicle operators, data on all original and 65,000 renewal drivers licensed to drive heavy commercial vehicles (class 1 and 2 drivers) were analyzed.

NRN074 1980/ 06

Improved Motorcyclist Licensing and Testing Project

By: James W. Anderson, Jack Ford, & Raymond C. Peck

(1) To determine whether two improved motorcycle licensing programs were more effective in reducing accidents and convictions of novice motorcyclists than the standard program, (2) to determine whether applicant characteristics influenced the accident-reducing effectiveness of the licensing program, (3) to determine the predictive validity of the standard and improved knowledge and drive tests, and (4) to determine the effectiveness of remedial skills training.

NRN073 1975/ 06

A Customized Approach to the Drinking Driver (Senate Concurrent Resolution 44 – Harmer)

By: William V. Epperson, Richard M. Harano, & Raymond C. Peck

(1) to explore the validity and effectiveness of drinking-driver classification systems, (2) to evaluate the use of medical advisory boards to classify drinking drivers, and (3) to evaluate various drinking-driver programs.

NRN072 1966/ 06

A Profile Study of the Financially Irresponsible Driver in California

By: California Department of Motor Vehicles

To develop a profile of "financially irresponsible" drivers in California; that is, drivers suspended as a result of not having insurance at the time of an accident.

NRN071 1989/ 01

Elderly Driver Interventions

By: Raymond C. Peck

Raymond C. Peck

NRN070 1976/ 04

Administrative Adjudication of Traffic Offenses in California: A Feasibility Study

By: California Department of Motor Vehicles

To comply with Senate Concurrent Resolution 40 (1975 Resolution Chapter 86), which mandated a feasibility study of administrative adjudication of traffic infractions.

NRN069 1976/ 01

Comprehensive Long Range Plan

By: California Department of Motor Vehicles

To summarize the department's plans for improving its effectiveness and service to the public, using a management-by-objectives (MBO) approach and moving beyond the two-year budget cycle in planning.

NRN068 1972/ 12

An Optimum System for Traffic Enforcement/Driver Control-Volume IV: The Evaluation of the Recommendations Made by the Consulting Firm

By: California Department of Motor Vehicles

To provide background information regarding the Sylvania study (preceding page), and to identify areas of concern to management and resultant actions taken; to present a matrix of the major study recommendations with the involved departments' stands and status on each. (Departments: OTS - Office of Traffic Safety, DMV - Department of Motor Vehicles, AOC - Administrative Office of the Courts, Judicial Council, and CHP California Highway Patrol.)

NRN067 1971/ 10

An Optimum System for Traffic Enforcement/Driver Control-Volumes I through III

By: Roy Finkelstein & John McGuire, Sociosystems, GTE - Sylvania, Inc. under contract to DMV

This study was conducted in response to a 1968 Senate Resolution (SR 160) which directed the California Department of Motor Vehicles to make an in-depth study of functions performed by state traffic enforcement/ driver control agencies.

NRN066 1969/ 12

Conviction Rate for a Sample of Citations Issued by the California Highway Patrol

By: California Department of Motor Vehicles

To gain information on the composition and disposition of citations issued by the California Highway Patrol for violations of California's road laws.