Potentially Unsafe Driver

DMV’s Mission

One of DMV’s major responsibilities is to promote traffic safety and protect the motoring public by minimizing the number of unsafe drivers. DMV also understands the importance of a driver license and a person’s independence.

Unsafe Driver

If you know someone who may no longer drive safely, you may submit a Request for Driver Reexamination (DS 699) (PDF) to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to review their driving qualifications. If you prefer, you may write a letter to your local Driver Safety office to identify the driver you want to report and give your reason(s) for making the report.


Each request must be signed for authentication purposes. However, you may request that your name not be revealed to the individual being reported. Confidentiality will be honored to the fullest extent possible. We understand that reporting someone, especially a patient, relative, or close friend, is a sensitive issue and DMV does not want to harm your relationship with that person. However, we also want to make sure that potentially unsafe drivers are evaluated. All records received by DMV which report a physical or mental condition are confidential and cannot be made public (California Vehicle Code (CVC) §1808.5) unless mandated by law.


If you have any questions, please contact the Driver Safety Branch Office at (833) 543-7703.