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Chapter 13: Commercial Vehicles
13.025 Conversion From Auto to Commercial License Plates (VC §260)
The following vehicles may be registered with auto or commercial license plates:
- Pickup trucks with a camper permanently attached body type code (BTC) PM.
- Station wagons, refer to the Station Wagons and Multipurpose Vehicles sections in this chapter.
- Passenger-type vehicles transporting persons for hire.
The prior history fee for passenger vehicles being changed to “TAXI” is not collected until the body type is changed from “TAXI” to a regular auto body type and auto license plates are issued.
Clearance Requirements—When converting from auto to commercial plates, the following must be submitted:
- The Certificate of Title.
- A weight certificate, unless the Certificate of Title shows a weight code.
- A Request for Commercial Registration of a Passenger Vehicle (REG 590) form for passenger-type vehicles transporting persons for hire, compensation, or profit, unless the vehicle is registered in the name of a taxicab company.
- A completed a Statement of Facts (REG 256) form explaining that the vehicle is registered in the name of an individual y that is also the name of the business.
- A REG 256 with the Statement for Vehicle Body Change section completed if the camper was removed from a pickup truck and the value of a camper is $2,000 or more.
- Any fees due. There is not a fee for the change of license plates.
The procedures below must be followed:
- Change VLF Class on the title/registration to show the current market value of the pickup only if a camper valued at $2000 or more was removed.
- Prorate the weight fees from the date of first operation “for hire.” Weight fees must be paid within 20 days of the date the fees become due to avoid a penalty. This includes station wagons with commercial registration.
- Pick up the auto license plates previously assigned to the vehicle.