Government Requester Accounts

Online Forms 2

Government agencies can enroll in our Government Requester Account program to obtain information from DMV records.

Who Qualifies as a Government Agency?

  • United States (U.S.) Government Agency: The U.S. Government or any subdivision, department, court, or agency.
  • State Agency: Any state or any subdivision, department, court, or agency thereof, including school districts and the Board of Regents of the University of California.
  • Special District in California: As defined in Government Code (GC) §12463, includes any of the following:
    • Any agency of the state for the local performance of governmental or proprietary functions within limited boundaries. May include a county service area, a maintenance district or area, an improvement district or improvement zone, or any other zone or area formed for the purpose of designating an area within which a property tax rate will be levied to pay for a service or improvement benefiting that area.
    • A commission provided for by a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA).
    • A nonprofit corporation that:
      • Was formed in accordance with the provisions of a JPA to carry out functions specified in the agreement.
      • Was issued bonds, the interest on which is exempt from federal income taxes, for the purpose of purchasing or constructing a building, stadium, or other facility, that is subject to a lease or agreement with a local public entity.
      • Is wholly owned by a public agency.

Special Districts in California are required to submit annual financial reports to the State Controller’s Office and must be identified in the Special Districts Annual Reports produced by the Controller’s Office in order to qualify as a government entity. If your agency is not included on this report, you must contact the California State Controller’s Office at the Special District Support Line (916) 327-1017 before submitting your application.

  • Special District not in California: Any special district of a state other than California must provide proof they are a governmental entity. Proof may include a copy of the JPA, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), etc.
  • Other: Applicant must provide sufficient evidence they are a governmental entity.

Who Does Not Qualify as a Governmental Entity?

  • A sovereign nation such as a Native American Tribe or any foreign jurisdiction including Canada and Mexico.
  • Any other non-profit organization, whether partially or fully funded by a government agency.
  • A private company with their own fire or police department.

Ways to Access Records and Information

After you enroll, you can access records and information through any of these methods:

  • Online: Provides instant access. Requires a network connection.
  • CLETS: Access records and information through the CA Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS).
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) via Secure File Transfer (SFT): This is a batch (overnight) process.
  • Paper/Hardcopy: This is a manual process that requires approximately 7-14 business days.

How to Enroll, Renew, or Modify a Government Requester Account

To enroll in the program, renew, or modify your account, complete and submit your application through the Information Requester Program online service.

Information Security Statement

All agents working on your behalf and employees who will have access to DMV records must complete and sign an Information Security Statement (INF 1128). Keep the signed INF 1128 forms on record at your government agency worksite. 

Tracking Records and Information Requests

Keep track of your requests with the Information Requester Log (INF 2115). Keep the log in a secure location for two years from the date of your last request.

Security Requirements

Government agencies enrolled in the Government Requester Account Program must follow our security requirements. Enrolled agencies must:

  • Maintain the security and integrity of the information they receive. A violation of any provision(s) of the Agreement, whether by omission or commission, will be grounds for action by DMV and may result in suspension or termination of service.
  • Ensure compliance with all the security provisions of this Agreement. If fraud or abuse is suspected or confirmed, you must notify DMV’s Information Policy and Liaison Branch at (916) 657-5583 within one business day. You must also prepare a written notification containing all facts and mail it to DMV within three business days:

    Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados
    Information Policy and Liaison Branch-MS H225
    PO Box 942890
    Sacramento, CA 94290-0890
  • Require every employee (including the system administrator) having direct or incidental access to DMV records to sign a copy of the Information Security Statement (INF 1128). The INF 1128 is required upon initial authorization for access to DMV records and annually thereafter. A copy of these signed INF 1128 forms must be kept on file at the agency for at least two years following the deactivation or termination of authorization and must be available to DMV on demand.
  • Restrict the use and knowledge of requester codes and operational manuals to employees who have signed an Information Security Statement (INF 1128).
  • Maintain a current list of names of employees authorized to access DMV records. This list must be available to DMV on demand.
  • Not leave access terminals and modems unattended while in active session, unless these devices are secured by a locking device that prevents entry or receipt of information or are placed in a locked room that is not accessible to unauthorized persons.
  • Place video terminals, printers, hardcopy printouts, and any other form of DMV approved records that are located in public access areas so that the records cannot be viewed by the public or other unauthorized persons.
  • Destroy all information received from DMV’s files once its legitimate use has ended. The method of destruction must be effective for the type of record requested and done in a manner so that the record cannot be reproduced or identified in any physical or electronic form.
  • Not disclose its DMV assigned requester code, either orally or in writing, to anyone who is not an employee and has not signed the Information Security Statement (INF 1128) (other than a DMV approved service provider (vendor or agent).
  • Not sell, retain, distribute, provide, or transfer any record information or portion of the record information acquired under this Agreement, except as authorized by DMV.

Frequently Asked Questions

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