Research Studies & Reports

DMV’s Research & Development Branch has been conducting research and producing studies and reports since the 1950s. Research & Development reports help DMV to measure the impact of new laws on making drivers safer. We also identify areas where we can improve our processes, explore new approaches to solving existing problems, and branch out into new opportunities to serve you better. 

Request printed copies of studies and reports by mail at:

Department of Motor Vehicles
Research and Development Branch
2415 1st Ave. Mail Station: F-126
Sacramento, CA 95818
(916) 914-8125

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393 Results

Report ID Date Published Title Section Links
101 1985/ 11

The Effect of Renewal by Mail for Drivers with Less than Four-Year-Clean Records (Interim Report)

By: Mary K. Janke

To evaluate the traffic safety impact of allowing drivers with a two-year-clean record, but less than a four-year-clean record, to renew their licenses by mail.

100 1985/ 10

Typological Analysis of California DUI Offenders and DUI Recidivism Correlates

By: Gary W. Arstein-Kerslake & Raymond C. Peck

To develop and cross-validate a statistical methodology for predicting DUI recidivism and DUI countermeasure-program compliance of convicted DUI offenders; to determine the extent to which meaningful subgroups of OUI offenders can be formed.

99 1985/ 10

Development of a Comprehensive Evaluation Design and Data Collection System for Assessment of Provisional Licensing

By: Catherine M. Liddicoat & William C. Marsh

To develop a valid and comprehensive evaluation design and data collection method for assessment of provisional licensing in California.

98 1986/ 02

Development and Evaluation of a Risk Assessment Strategy for Medically Impaired Drivers. (Volume 8 of “An Evaluation of the California Drunk Driving Countermeasure System”)

By: Clifford J. Helander

To develop and evaluate a risk-assessment strategy for medically impaired drivers.

97 1986/ 01

The California DUI Countermeasure System: An Evaluation of System Processing and Deficiencies. (Volume 5 of “An Evaluation of the California Drunk Driving Countermeasure System”)

By: Clifford J. Helander

Specific objectives of this study were: (1) identification of deficiencies in the California DUI countermeasure system, and (2) evaluation of the frequency with which DUI offenders avoid timely processing or circumvent system countermeasures due to these deficiencies. The general objective of the study was to empirically describe and analyze the flow of DUI offenders through the DUI countermeasure system.

96 1986/ 01

An Evaluation of the Process Efficiency and Traffic Safety Impact of the California Implied Consent Program (Volume 4 of “An Evaluation of the California Drunk Driving Countermeasure System”)

By: Daniel D. Sadler

To identify problems in the implied consent (IC) system and to evaluate its impact on traffic safety.

95 1986/ 12

An Evaluation of the Specific Deterrent Effects of Alternative Sanctions for First and Repeat DUI Offenders (Volume 3 of “An Evaluation of the California Drunk Driving Countermeasure System”)

By: Helen Tashima & Raymond C. Peck

To evaluate the relative effectiveness of the licensing actions and sanctions established by Assembly Bill (AB) 541 on January 1, 1982 for first and repeat DUI offenders.

94 1985/ 03

Negligent-Operator Treatment Evaluation System – Progress Report

By: Marsh

To describe the Negligent Operator Treatment Evaluation System (NOTES) and the Negligent Operator program elements, as it is currently implemented, which NOTES is designed to evaluate, to and describe the progress on the evaluation system itself

93 1985/ 03

License Extensions for Clean-Record Drivers: A Four-Year Follow-Up

By: Shara Lynn Kelsey, Mary K. Janke, Raymond C. Peck & Michael Ratz

To evaluate the traffic safety effect of extending driver licenses by mail for drivers with clean prior four-year records.

92 1984/ 08

California Driver Survey: The Habits and Opinions of Drivers on Selected Traffic Safety Related Issues

By: Karen Frinke & Michael Ratz

To collect information on driving exposure, socioeconomic factors, and attitudes about driving for a random sample of motorists.