Permanent Disabled Person Parking Placard Renewal

You can renew your Permanent Disabled Person Parking Placard online. Use the Quick Start Guide to help you.

Important If you have moved and wish to update the address of your Permanent Disabled Person Parking Placard (DPPP) before your renewal window, use the DPPP Change of Address app.

How to renew:

  1. Complete the renewal online using your Disabled Person Parking Placard ID Card.

  2. If you have your renewal notice, scan the QR code or use your Renewal Identification Number to submit your signature and renew.

    Note Stay secure. Use the QR code scanner built into your iOS or Android device. Only use a newer phone (Android 8 and later; iOS 11 and later) and the native QR code reader that came with your phone to scan. Non-native QR code reader app downloaded from an app store may act as malware and/or adware, which may compromise your mobile browser.

  3. There is no charge to renew your Disabled Person Parking Placard. It’s a free service and no credit card or other type of payment is required.

  4. If you have moved, you can update your placard address while renewing.

    If not renewing at this time, you may use the DPPP Change of Address app to update your placard address.

    Note Once DMV receives your signature, your new placard will be mailed and received in two to four weeks. The new placards will expire in June 2027. A new placard will not be issued until DMV receives your signature.

Where To Find Your Information

Renewal Notice

Sample Disabled Person Placard Renewal Notice. The locations of the Renewal Identification Number and owner's full name are marked with arrows. The renewal identification number is in the center of the document a third of the way down, owner's name is on the bottom-left of the notice.

Placard Identification Card

Sample Disabled Person Placard Identification Card. Placard number, date of birth, and owner's name are marked with arrows. Placard number is on the top-right, date of birth and owner name are on the left side.

Frequently Asked Questions