Autonomous Vehicles

The DMV administers the Autonomous Vehicles Program and issues permits to manufacturers that test and deploy autonomous vehicles on California public roads. Learn more about the program, regulations, and applying for a permit.

Autonomous Vehicles Incident Form

We value your feedback regarding your experience with autonomous vehicles operating on California public roads. Submit your feedback to the AV Incident Form.

Please do not include any sensitive personal information such as social security number, driver’s license number, or financial account number.

In This Section

Autonomous Vehicle Regulations

Since we started considering the implications of autonomous vehicle technology on California roads in 2013, we’ve worked to develop regulations for testing and deployment, held public hearings and workshops, and hit key milestones. 

Disengagement Reports

Every year, permit holders in the Autonomous Vehicle Tester Program and Autonomous Vehicle Driverless Tester Program must track and report the number of times their vehicles needed to disengage from autonomous mode during tests. 

Collision Reports

Manufacturers testing autonomous vehicles need to report every collision involving one of their vehicles that results in property damage, bodily injury, or death.


Key definitions relating to autonomous vehicles in California.


The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has created these documents to guide autonomous vehicle development and deployment in the United States:

News Bulletins

See news bulletins relating to autonomous vehicles.

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