Disabled Person Parking Placard Holders Can Renew Online

Contact:  Office of Public Affairs
2415 First Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95818
(916) 657–6437 | dmvpublicaffairs@dmv.ca.gov

January 2, 2025

No need to visit a DMV office to renew – instead, provide an online e-signature

Sacramento – Californians required to provide a signature to renew their permanent Disabled Person Parking Placard (DPPP) can now do so online at dmv.ca.gov/dpp. The DMV is sending renewal notices to nearly 260,000 customers who have had a placard for six years or more and must verify their continued need.

“We have made it easy for customers to renew their placards online,” said DMV Director Steve Gordon. “During our last renewal cycle, nearly one million customers renewed using our new online service. We hope customers will continue to take advantage of this convenient renewal option this time around.”

DPPP holders can provide an electronic signature online by scanning the QR code on the paper notice or visiting dmv.ca.gov/dpp if they do not have their renewal notice handy. Customers can find renewal instructions in this guide on the DMV website. Customers can also sign their paper renewal notice and mail it to the DMV. They will need to provide postage. Placard holders must renew before their current placard expires on June 30, 2025.

A law enacted in 2017 requires DPPP holders to submit a signed renewal notice to the DMV every six years. Before this law, placards were automatically renewed every two years.

Before Going to an Office – Try Online First!

The DMV has taken many steps to offer additional digital services. Most DMV tasks do not require an office visit, including simple self-service transactions that are no longer available in offices. The DMV encourages customers to use its online services and other service channels to complete transactions, including eligible driver’s license and vehicle registration renewals. Customers can also use the Service Advisor on the DMV website to learn their options to complete DMV tasks.

To sign up for paperless vehicle registration and driver’s license renewal notices, customers must sign in or create a secure online account at dmv.ca.gov and then opt in.


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