DMV’s San Bernardino Industry Business Center Temporarily Closing for Renovation

Contact: Office of Public Affairs
2415 First Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95818
(916) 657–6437 |

December 23, 2024

Sacramento – The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) today announced that the San Bernardino Industry Business Center (IBC) at 473 East Carnegie Drive, Suite 125, will be temporarily closing for carpet replacement and new interior painting beginning 4 p.m. Friday, December 27. The office is scheduled to reopen at 7 a.m. Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

IBCs serve auto dealerships, vehicle registration businesses and trucking companies. These offices do not provide services offered in regular field offices such as driver’s license application/renewal or vehicle registration. The DMV will reach out to affected IBC customers on how they can continue to process transactions during the San Bernardino IBC’s renovation.

Before Going to an Office – Try Online First!

The DMV has taken many steps to offer additional digital services. Most DMV tasks do not require an office visit, including simple self-service transactions that are no longer available in offices. The DMV encourages customers to use its online services and other service channels to complete transactions, including eligible driver’s license and vehicle registration renewals. Customers can also use the Service Advisor on the DMV website to learn their options to complete DMV tasks.

To sign up for paperless vehicle registration and driver’s license renewal notices, customers must opt in by creating a secure online account and registering at


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