You need to have a vehicle verifier license to submit vehicle identification proof to DMV or an authorized representative for the purpose of registering a vehicle or transferring vehicle ownership.
How to Apply for a Vehicle Verifier License
To apply for your license, submit the following:
- Application for a Vehicle Verifier’s Permit (OL 19) (PDF).
- Vehicle Verifier Surety Bond (OL 26) (PDF) or Deposit Agreement and Assignment (OL 25E) (PDF).
- Application for Occupational License Personal History Questionnaire (OL 29I) (PDF).
- Live scan fingerprint and Request for Live Scan Service (DMV 8016) (PDF).
Mail your application and fees to:
Department of Motor Vehicles
Occupational Licensing
Individuals Unit
PO Box 932342 L224
Sacramento, CA 94232-3420
Note You will also need to undergo a background investigation.
- $51 non-refundable application fee
- $1 family support program
- $50 reinstatement fee (if applicable)
- $15 duplicate license fee (if applicable)
How to Renew a Vehicle Verifier License
To renew your license, complete an OL 19 (PDF) form. Mail your application and fees to the address on the form.
- $15 renewal fee
- $1 family support program
Vehicle Verifier Exclusions
A vehicle verifier does not include any of the following:
- Peace officer.
- Authorized employee of DMV.
- Special agent of the National Insurance Crime Bureau.
- An employee of an organization certified under the provisions of Part 5 (commencing with §12140) of Division 2 of the Insurance Code whose duties require or authorize the verification of vehicles.
Individuals matching any of these descriptions can perform the duties of a vehicle verifier without a license.
Vehicle Verifier Licensing Authority
California Vehicle Code (CVC) §§675.5, 675.6, and 11300-11310. The CVC is available for purchase from DMV.
California Code of Regulations Title 13, Chapter 1.
Government Code §6157 (a) – (d).
Need something else?
Contact us if you have any questions about applying for occupational licenses. We’re here to help!
Vehicle Verifier License Handbook
The contains helpful information about applying for a license, vehicle verifier requirements, and more.
Occupational Licensing
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