Vehicle Industry Registration Procedures Manual

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Section 14 of 38

Chapter 13: Commercial Vehicles

13.005 Body Changes and Alterations (VC §9406 and CR&TC §10753)

Alterations and/or additions to a registered used commercial vehicle which places the vehicle into a different weight classification must be reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Additional weight fees are due on the date of first operation after the alteration/addition if the altered vehicle falls into a higher weight class. A refund of weight fees paid cannot be given when an altered vehicle falls into a lower weight class.

Changes made by the current owner —To change the body type model (BTM) and/or weight when alterations were made by the current owner, the following must be submitted:

Note If a used body was removed from a different vehicle owned by the individual and placed on the vehicle, the individual must explain that on the REG 256. The license plate number of the vehicle from which the body was removed must be given.

  • A weight certificate for the altered vehicle, unless the vehicle is one of the exceptions to the weight certificate requirement shown in the Weight Certificate Exceptions section in this chapter.
  • Additional weight fees if the altered vehicle falls into a higher weight class.

The procedures below must be followed:

  • Determine if an additional weight fee is due. If due, prorate both the new weight fee and the old weight fee for the remainder of the registration year and then subtract the prorated old weight fee from the prorated new weight fee.

Note A refund of weight fees cannot be given when the altered vehicle falls into a lower weight class.

Changes made by a prior owner—To change the BTM and/or weight when the owner acquired the vehicle with a BTM and/or weight which differs from that shown on the California Certificate of Title, the following must be submitted:

  • The California Certificate of Title.
    • If held by the lienholder, the following documents must be submitted to their lienholder for submission to DMV with the California Certificate of Title.
  • A REG 31.
  • A REG 256 stating the vehicle was acquired with its current BTM and/or weight and no body changes or alterations were made since acquiring the vehicle.
  • For commercial vehicles weighing:
    • Less than 10,001 pounds unladen, a weight certificate.
    • 10,0001 pounds unladen or more, a Declaration of Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)/Combined Gross Vehicle Weight (CGW)(REG 4008) form and a REG 256 with the estimated weight.

Note: A weight certificate is required even if the correction is for BTM only because changing the BTM could alter the weight of the vehicle.

  • Additional fees due, if any.
    • A replacement title fee is not charged, unless the California Certificate of Title is lost or stolen.

The procedure below must be followed:

Process as clearing item unless special handling by DMV headquarters is required.

Note If the vehicle is changing from auto to commercial or commercial to auto, the registration expiration date will change and weight fees may be due.

Correction of the Vehicle License Fee (VLF) Classification—The VLF classification must be corrected if the cost of the alterations/changes to the commercial vehicle is $2,000 or more. Cost does not include a change of engine of the same type or any cost of repairs to the vehicle.

The procedures below must be followed:

  • Reclassify the vehicle to reflect the appropriate VLF classification.
  • The *YR and the vehicle value based on the Statement for Vehicle Body Change section on the REG 256 completed by the vehicle owner. The *YR coding will only generate if the cost of the change/alteration is $2,000 or more.

If a new VLF class is generated and current year fees are due, then collect the fees based on the new VLF class.

If a new VLF class is generated and current year fees are not due, then do not collect additional fees (VLF). Fees based on the new VLF class will be due at the next renewal.

If a new VLF class is generated and fees are due for a prior registration year, then collect fees based on the VLF class at the time the fees became due.