Vehicle Industry Registration Procedures Manual

Driver Education illustration

Section 23 of 38

Chapter 22: Corrections and Adjustments

22.040 Changes to Engine or Fuel Type/Motive Power

A motive power (MP) change must be referred to the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) Referee Center when the new MP is not the same as originally equipped, as indicated by the vehicle identification number (VIN) decoding program.

The BAR Referee Center will inspect the vehicle to verify and/or approve the new MP change. BAR will issue a smog exemption on the vehicle record if the MP exempts the vehicle from smog certification.

Do not refer the vehicle to BAR if:

  • The MP change indicated is the same MP as originally equipped as indicated by a VIN decode. Correct the MP to what the VIN decode indicates.
  • Keying type transaction code (TTC) A00, and the vehicle was converted to an alternate fuel type prior to the sale. Change the MP to what is recorded on the Report of Sale.

The procedure below must be followed:

Refer inquiries regarding engine changes or fuel type/MP changes to:

BAR 1-800-952-5210
Bar Referee Center 1-800-622-7733 or
BAR Internet website

Refer customers to contact the California Air Resources Board (CARB) at 1-800-242-4450 prior to making any alterations to the emission control system configurations.

For customers who already made an engine change, including those to a different fuel type/MP (Example gas to electric), the vehicle must be referred to the BAR Referee Center. BAR will notify DMV of any permanent smog exemptions after inspecting the vehicle.