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Chapter 13: Commercial Vehicles
13.030 Conversion From Commercial to Auto License Plates (VC §465)
The vehicle owner may exchange the commercial license plates assigned to the vehicle for auto license plates on the following passenger-type vehicles:
- Passenger vehicles that do not transport persons “for hire.”
- Station wagons.
- Pickup trucks with a permanently attached camper or camper shell. Adding a camper shell to a pickup truck does not necessarily constitute a change from commercial to auto registration. The addition must meet the definitions for human habitation or camping purposes. Otherwise the vehicle owner may be subject to citation from law enforcement for not meeting the definition of an auto.
- Vans modified for human habitation.
- Multi-purpose vehicles.
- Hearse body type model (BTM) HR.
To convert from commercial to auto license plates, the following must be submitted:
- The California Certificate of Title.
- A Miscellaneous Certifications (REG 256A) (PDF) form with the Certification of Vehicle for Human Habitation section completed if the vehicle is a pickup with a camper attached or a van modified for human habitation.
Important When a REG 256A is submitted, advise the customer that removal of the camper will require commercial registration and weight fees to be due.
- A Statement of Facts (REG 256) (PDF) form stating the vehicle has been changed/altered to meet the definition of a station wagon as defined in VC §585.
- The commercial license plates currently assigned to the vehicle.
The procedures below must be followed:
- Adjust the vehicle license fee (VLF) class, as needed, to reflect the current market value of the modified vehicle. Refer to the Body Changes and Alterations section in this chapter for reclassification information.
- Issue auto license plates and month and year stickers.
— Change the type license to “11.”
— Change the BTM to SW.
Note If the BTM is changing from “TAXI” to an auto BTM, collect the prior history fee for marking DMV records. Key “T” for prior taxi in the PRIOR HISTORY field on the DATA COLLECTION screen.